Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ten Commandments.

It seems odd to me that throughout the building of the Tabernacle and all the robes and everything is so focused on material items. The words Gold and Pure Gold are seen in almost every line. I thought that materialism was more of a Pagan belief rather than a Christian belief. Just an interesting thought...

Also I found this video that I am sure most people have seen, it is Mel Brooks' version of the Ten Commandments
There is the link, I do not know how to post the actual video clip.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Laws, Laws, Laws

As of Chapter 20 in Exodus, all I am getting is an abundance of Laws. And they are all super confusing. I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but it seems like you are allowed to hit people as long as it is with a certain tool and its the right person. I am so lost. If I lived in this time period and had to abide by these laws I would need to keep a bulleted list with me at all times. There are so many different laws for the same topics, and they are all just slightly different... God is certainly asking a lot of his people.

This is my favorite so far...

You shall not permit a female sorcerer to live.

Female sorcerer? Ha ha ha

The Journey Thus Far

Reading the Bible has been an interesting ride so far. I have just gotten to where Moses and the Israelites are free from the Pharaoh, but the Israelites are complaining of being hungry and thirsty. 
I have found that it is hard to figure out how to work Plotz into this. When I read Plotz before the Bible selections, I find that I understand what is going on better, but I also approach everything in a rather cynical view. The class discussion of this helped me a lot, but I still don't know what to think of Plotz. I agree with him, I mean, why did he harden the Pharaoh's heart so many times? That seems a little extreme, but maybe it makes sense when you take a step back and look at it as the better story? Where's a story with out a little conflict right? 
I am becoming more and more please with the reading material in the Bible. It becomes easier and easier to understand and also more enjoyable. I know this will probably come to an end soon, but so far, I am more pleased than I originally thought I would be.